Liftoff si aggiorna alla versione 1.6.0

Liftoff si aggiorna: il popolare simulatore virtuale di pilotaggio FPV della belga LuGus Studios raggiunge la versione milestone 1.6.0 con un major update. Di seguito il changelist completo (in lingua inglese):

  • Completely revamped the battery simulation to be more unforgivingly realistic. 
  • Added: the bounds of an environment are now visualized with a grid when flying too close. This visualization can be disabled in the game options menu.
  • Added: In-game Liftoff Pro ranks are awarded to players when they finish in a top spot. Top spots are visualized on the leaderboards and in the multiplayer game lobby, and the amount of top spots changes based on the amount of participants in the tournament. All previous top spots in completed tournaments will also receive a badge.
  • Updated: your multiplayer profile (click on a name in the game lobby to bring up a player’s profile) now shows off your earned Liftoff Pro badges.
  • Added: In multiplayer, you can now access the relevant multiplayer leaderboards from the pause menu, and interacting with the text ticker in the MP lobby operates similarly.
  • Updated: the set of full-screen options in the graphics menu now properly reflects which modes are supported by the platform.
  • Liftoff now detects when mods are installed. Competitive features might be disabled when mods are detected. Removing or disabling the mods will make them become active again.
  • Updated: added the `Velocity` data stream to the Drone Telemetry feature.
  • Fixed: the lighting in the main menu to showcase the drone has been fixed to not be so reflective.
  • Fixed: when returning to the main menu from a Free Flight session while walking around to place the drone’s spawnpoint, it now shows the drone properly in the main menu again.
  • Fixed: the sensor data visualizer can now be toggled on/off again (F9 on the keyboard by default)
  • Fixed: the multiplayer lobby would show the ‘Fixed drone setup’ and ‘Battery restriction’ game modifiers, even when they were not active.
  • Fixed: when the drone spawns in a drone trigger (repair propeller damage, recharge battery, etc.), it would sometimes keep the respective icons flashing on screen, even when the drone was already out of the trigger range.
  • Fixed: the Scaling gizmo in the track editor would scale a track item on the wrong axes.
  • Fixed: the tournament’s tryout recharge timers now properly display when a recharge will actually happen on the server.
  • Fixed: Fisheye level-of-detail issue, where switching environments or changing game settings while fisheye was active would cause performance issues.

Per tutte le altre informazioni, anche inerenti il nuovo sistema di ranking dei tornei Gold, Silver, Bronze, si può fare riferimento alla pagina ufficiale del prodotto:

Liftoff può essere acquistato su PC attraverso la piattaforma Steam al costo di licenza di 19,99€, oppure nella versione Ultimate Collection che include tutti i DLC in sconto a 41,36€.

AGGIORNAMENTO: in data 30/04/24 a sole due settimane dal lancio della major release, è stato rilasciato un minor update in qualità di bug fixing al fine di migliorare l’esperienza utente. Liftoff raggiunge dunque la versione 1.6.1:

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